Healing is a WE thing.

We all have a choice to show up for each other and be intentional in expressing the essence of our commitment to our common values—our shared humanity through purposeful goodwill.

In witnessing the palpable protuberance of global distress, this moment presents us with a gift to transmute our pains through compassionate resilience to propel our next step forward and uplift each other.

We all want our whole being to matter—to be truly present as a human, with loving kindness, seeing and being seen by each other, and genuinely belonging in a nourishingly equitable community. We all share the same vision of living the human experience with dignity, equity, liberty and respect.


GalingBYCGP is BYCGP’s donor-funded initiative of humanitarian expression, forging equity while fortifying equanimity. It’s a Filipino word with diverse meanings—healing, mastery, come from, and amulet, to name a few. GalingBYCGP believes love is the most powerful force, a potent healing energy transmuting mind, body and soul.







Cheryl’s services impact more than the individual she serves; it has the potential to heal generations.” 

GalingBYCGP scholarship recipient

Your generosity aids GalingBYCGP's influence on humanity, the planet and our collective healing. Your investment in a woman-owned spiritual enterprise promulgates goodness one being at a time. You make all this possible with your kind benevolence. When you give, you share the intention of well-being and collective healing with another soul by sponsoring these intentionally cultivated inner nourishment programs. This impact on another life reverberates to their family as well as their community.

It's the salving gift that keeps on healing.

The more I show up and do this work, the more tender my heart gets, consciously witnessing our shared suffering and individual traumas of those I served while compassionately embodying loving awareness and healing presence. 

I wholeheartedly believe in our inherent goodness to care for each other and, with your giving, we can continuously embody a palpably salient, compassionate presence towards all beings in this world, actualizing the proliferation of the veracity of this conviction—WE heal in love together, and that healing is a WE thing.

Relieve suffering. Resolve trauma.

Revitalize well-being. Restore wholeness.

2024 Intentions. Diverse expressions of healing and well-being through targeted trauma-informed intentional guidance:

  • Eight 14-wk scholarships of Compassionate Care Support

  • Four 14-wk scholarships of Conscious Leadership Mentoring 

  • $12,600 funds needed

With love and gratitude.

I appreciate your time, energy and resources. My immense gratitude for fostering the embodiment of love, compassion and joy in tangible forms.

Well-being. Wholeness. Whole Beings.